Wednesday, January 28, 2009

It's Official: Sasha Vujacic's Official Myspace!!!

I, like many people, couldn't believe the game against Charlotte. A double-overtime loss in a game Sasha couldve won at the end of the 1st OT if Luke wasn't so blind on the inbound pass. I was very sad and distraught, mainly at the fact that most Laker fans were angry at Sasha for this game. I was just very sad. But then I got some really great news.....Sasha has his own myspace!!!

When I heard, I knew it was real. Many doubted, I believed it as soon as I checked it out. So I went to go add him but as I went to go check it, I noticed I had a friend request but ignored it cause I wanted to see his profile so bad. So I went to go add him and he accepted but when I went back to my home page and checked the friend request, it was him. So he tried to add me before I added him. That's a little weird, it's kind of like destiny.

Of course I added a cheesy comment on his profile:

"Sasha, thank you so much for the add. Youa are my favorite player of all time
and it means so much to me to actually talk to one of my heroes. Thank you once
Notice how I added the a to "you", I was nervous. I was shaking and everything. If I get a comment back, I'm gonna go crazy. There was also a lot of hating on him on the site, something I hope Sasha erases as the season goes on.

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